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    Who, What, Where

  1. wo : who
  2. wa : what
  3. we : where


  1. i : is
  2. t : the
  3. d : doing
  4. w : would
  5. a : am
  6. ar : are
  7. b : be
  8. g : going

    * Words highlighted in blue are extra fitted words to the sentence for more space. These are not included in the code patterns

  1. wois : who is sitting next to me right now?
  2. woist : who is standing next to me right now?
  3. wodt : who did the
  4. woaig : who am I going
  5. woart : who are the
  6. woarw : who are we
  7. wod : who did
  8. wow : who would
  9. woc : who could
  10. wodt : who did the
  11. wowt : who would the
  12. woct : who could the
  13. waai : what am I currently
  14. waaid : what am I currently doing